Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Más Comida (More Food)

July 17, 2013

Paraguayos (I don't know their name in English, but they look and taste like squashed peaches)
 Churros con chocolate (Thick hot chocolate with churros)
A giant vending machine in a metro station in Barcelona

 Paella (A common Spanish dish with rice, vegetables, meat and seafood)
 These peppers look spicy, but they're not.
Cereal in Spain is usually not as sugary or sweet as in the US becuase most people eat it with coffee instead of milk.
 Pretty much all of the pizza here is personal sized pizza.
In Spain the fish are sold with the head still on so you can tell how fresh it is.

There are a lot more types of seafood that are commonly sold. For example, octopus
and snails.
Rabbit also isn't uncommon to see in a market.

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